
Best kannada books to read during pregnancy
Best kannada books to read during pregnancy

Your baby can watch your face, participate by nodding or repeating a word, and respond with emotion. Personal storytelling about shared experiences is powerful.Once your baby starts talking, help them learn the words for the things around them. By labeling and repeating words, you’ll help your child remember them.This early communication is exciting for your baby, and your approval will encourage them to keep trying. Reward your baby’s first tries at making sounds with smiles and hugs.For newborns and very young babies, try rhymes that involve gentle touch, such as patting their feet or giving them a little bounce while you are talking.Your baby will eventually make the connection between the sounds and an object or person, like “dada”. You’ll help your baby recognize which sounds form language. Repeat these sounds, and turn them into real words. It’s how they learn to make sounds with their own voices. You’ll help them develop vocabulary before they can even talk. Whether you’re changing a diaper, bathing your baby or taking a walk, use words that describe the actions and the things around them. Here are some ideas to read, speak, sing your way through the day. Promoting literacy means surrounding your baby with language in many forms. These loving moments are also essential to building attachment-the strong connection that ensures your baby feels safe and secure. When you share books, words, and songs, you and your baby are involved in dozens of “serve-and-return” interactions. These moments help build and strengthen connections in their brain. You respond with eye contact, words, a similar gesture, or a hug. Your baby does something: babbles, points, makes a gesture, or cries. Serve-and-return actions seem simple, but they are so powerful. Serve-and-return interactions are the “back-and-forth” actions between you and your baby that help build their brain starting at birth. Sign language, making music, and storytelling are other ways to nurture your baby’s brain development. Not all activities need to involve books. You can help your baby develop early literacy skills by reading, speaking, or singing to them. These early experiences help prepare them to learn to read, write, and succeed in school.

Best kannada books to read during pregnancy how to#

Babies learn how to read signals all around them by listening to voices, watching faces and reading body language. They need to hear and use sounds, sound patterns and spoken language. Read, speak, sing to your baby: How parents can promote literacy from birth

Best kannada books to read during pregnancy